Our sheep are bucket trained,they will follow us anywhere if we are carrying a feed bucket,so getting them in their pasture was no problem.We will still put them up at night for safety though.
They can easily jump these fences if they want to.They don't,I guess they probably would if they were threatened.They have been perfectly content to stay where ever we have put them.I hope they stay that way!Of course,they are well taken care of so I guess that helps!
They kept giving me the butt!I could only get a picture of their tail ends!I love the sheep,there is something quiet and serene about there nature.
Then we started on the turkey pen.
Boy,that had me worried!I still can not believe how smooth it went.I had to cut some limbs.I don't like using a chainsaw but Hubby has an attachment for our weed eater that is a small chainsaw.I don't mind it at all and luckily all the limbs were small enough for it to handle.Then we had to get some boards under the edges for skids.I lifted the edges with a crowbar and block of wood and The Boy slid the boards under.The valve on the compressor was leaking,so we had to do all the nailing by hand.Then we tied a rope around each corner and I used the Ford to pull it foreword at and angle that would align to the gate and moved the ropes to the back side and just pulled it over to our place.Boy,am I glad Hubby built that thing stout!Then we had to redo the wire around the bottom to 'possun proof it,fingers crossed.
Those 'possums have gotten more of my turkeys than I have but I am determined to have my Bourbon Reds!
The turkeys make the sweetest cooing noise to each other all day long,I am sure soon they will start to gobble-gobble!
So we worked all day in the rain,The Boy and me.It was good,honest,satisfying work.The kind of work where you are tired and know you will sleep good that night and you would willingly do it again in the morning.Surely we are blessed!
I know this picture is blurry,but it is sooo funny.It is Butter Bean sliding down or jumping off his slide!
1 comment:
Thanks for the support!I just found two guardian donkeys for sale in the next community over.They said they would deliver too!But they won't be here until later in the week.I am also going to buy a guardian dog for the sheep and goats,and keep the line busy to animal control!
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