The boy and me got the sheep moved last night into a holding pen and started a fence,we'll have to finish it this morning.This is Charger and Angry Eyes.Sea Salt's head looks like it is attached to Charger's behind!
It will be temporary until Hubby gets home.Me an The Boy just aim to hold things together with spit an bailing wire 'til Hubby makes it home!Our expertise are more in the demolition department than the fixin' department!You can see Weed Wacker in this one,she is the farthest one.
The turkeys will be hard to move.Well not the turkeys but their pen.We will do it!Me and The Boy are experts at dealing with disasters!It seems like every time Hubby leaves we will soon have one!The Good Lord must be testing us for endurance or something!I remember the first time he went to work overseas after he was out of the Navy.He was not even gone one day and the toilette flooded the whole end of our house.I have learned may skills over the phone.Seriously,he taught me how to change breakers and drain and reset the well over the phone and many, many other things.There is almost nothing I haven't been able to do with him coaching me from some other part of the world!We make a good team.Me and The Boy even rode out Ike alone in this old house.As soon as the power went off the deranged heelers,Pork and Beans, escaped.This is a picture of pork when he was still a pup.I don't seem to have any recent pictures of these two,possibly because I think their soul purpose in being is to drive me nuts!
Me and The Boy went out in the middle of a raging hurricane to find these dogs!That is responsible pet ownership,or possible insanity!I don't care too much for these dogs but Hubby loves them so I am not going to let anything bad happen to them.This is them as babies,when we first brought them home.I know, deceptively cute!
So some happy thoughts.The Boy says Doodah is officially a goatie goat!
She has adjusted to her new family and is happy,so now she is not just any 'ole goat,she is one of the goatie goats!I think this is the reason goats have horns,to scratch themselves!They are genetically itchy,or so The Boy says!
I think that boy is going to bust waiting for her to have a baby!He doesn't even get this excited about Christmas!I love true country kids!He is not excited about a new cell phone or trendy clothes,he is in love with all things simple and country.Makes a Hillbilly Momma proud,yes it does!
Sometimes I think a set of horns would come in handy.
I am glad the sheep weren't hurt badly.
Good luck with the turkeys!
Thanks Pricilla !
Very pretty sheep! I love country kids that are more excited about the new baby goats, or chickens than designer jeans and materialistic things too. I am so thankful that if I ever have kids they will be raised in the country.
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