Here is a picture of me and Hubby about a year after we were married.I know,I know,way too much purple eye shadow!

You may notice the lack of decor.That is because we had nothing and we had it for a long time!
When Hubby and I tied the knot he had just come straight off a Westpac at the end of the first Gulf War.As soon as he made port and could get off that ship he flew home and married me.After a week we drove my old car and a tiny U-Haul trailer from East Texas to San Diego.We started having doubts that the old car was going to make it over the mountains but we were meant to be!
The only furniture we had was a two person table and two chairs.We had a basic kitchen set up,pots and dishes.That's it.Oh,and a 6 inch black and white TV without cable!After about 6 months Hubby found us a (yucky)used couch that I cleaned up the best I could.I still shudder thinking about that thing even after all these years!It was too long to go up the stairs so some of his Navy buddies came over and they hoisted it through the second story window.You could always get one of the other Navy guys to help you out,we were all in the same boat so to speak!Trying to squeak by on enlisted pay.
We were married almost three years before we had a bed.We had been sleeping on a palette on the floor up until then!Young bodies can take that sort of thing!
We lived in San Diego for three years and like everywhere we lived we had great adventures.We went everywhere and did everything we possible could while we were there.Gas was cheap and we packed coolers full of iced tea and bologna sandwiches!
I married my best friend and I am glad I did!I know whatever life brings us we will make an adventure out of it together.
That's the best way, isn't it? Not the no furniture part, the friend part....
There is something about marrying your best friend. I met mine thru my brother,was married right out of high school,the odds were against us, but we are 42 yrs strong and still goin.
He is the person that
I want in that rocking chair on the porch or nursing home.
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