We've been seeing a lot of them here lately.These are actually two matching ones,I couldn't get them both in the same shot.I tried to direct them but they wouldn't listen!
The plant they are on was labeled Texas Lilac when I bought it but I am pretty sure it is a Chaste Tree.
Which by the way is a medicinal plant,good for ladies' problems.I am very interested in folk medicine.I have been trying to learn to identify our native plants and their uses.I planted several medicinal herbs also and plan to do so every year.Today I picked Mullein leaves to dry for tea.It makes a natural expectorant,might come in handy this winter.An infused oil made from it's flowers is good for ear aches.If you are interest in reading more about this useful plant here is a link.
Our little black and gold bannie chickens are forever going broody,even in winter!This one hatched out these little babies a few days ago.
They are of unknown parentage.The little gray one is half bannie,it is tiny and has feathered feet.
She sat on 4 eggs,but only 2 hatched,2 were duds.I don't know how,as much chicken lovin' that goes on back there!But we almost always get a dud or two.
I love these little bannie hens,so does The Boy.They are tame and friendly and great mommas.If you don't have a couple you should try them out.
This is my favorite chicken,Peckahontas.
She is the only chicken we have that turned out like her.I think she is lovely,I keep hoping to get another one like her.She has feathered feet so she has some bannie in her,those are our only feathered footed birds.She is nice and big like on Orpington,but her color is a little like an Easter Egger,but they are a skinny chicken, not plump.
I just know I would love to have a few more like her!
I canned some more green beans and chicken yesterday!That may be what we have to eat all winter,green beans and chicken!Not really.
The Boy has to be at church this morning,he doese the audio booth and has to set up for Sunday.After I pick him up we are going to visit some dear friends.They always load me up on fish!So we will at least have fish to go with our green beans and chicken!
I just love butterflies and hummingbirds
I plant flowers that drawn them
I live in the city, and have only a small
area to plant but I get very excited with one drinks from my flowers.
look at all that green grass, my gosh, mail me some.
Peckahantas - hahahahahahahahaha!
Your chickens head is the color of a tamarin monkey! She is SPECTACULAR!!!! And your butterfly's are very nice as well, but I have to say the chicken stole the show.
I love butterfly pics! And who can beat a chick pic?
I met your MIL today and she had so many wonderful things to say about you! I think you are living my dream life!
Billie bought some core spun yarn from me today... I hope you love it! It was spun horizontal around a lace weight yarn instead of vertically like other yarns. It is one of my favorites!!!!!! I really hope you like it!
Anyway, I would love to talk to you about spinning yarn! I am still a newbie, but I have spend the past several months drowning in different fibers and loving it! It is a wonderful life!
Have a wonderful and hearty day!
Leslie Cooper
spinningspinderella (AT) gmail (DOT) com
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