So,here's where I am going with this story.I am trying to think of good ways to entertain ourselves here close to home.We practically live on a very large lake.Hmm,I think to myself,we could get a small used boat and go tubing and fishing.So I call up Hubby in China and tel him my idea.
"Really,you want me to buy you a boat?!!?What my Baby wants my baby gets!"
Don't you just love a man like that!This is what arrives at our house!
Apparently I forgot to say"small" when I said I would like a boat!You know how these fellas are,you say you want a new T.V. and you get a 5 foot minnie movie theater in your living room!
But just look at how happy he is!Hubby works hard and is away from us for long stretches of time in a less than luxurious country.So,if this big 'ole boat makes him happy,them who am I to spoil it for him.
Another thing we got to entertain ourselves is a Wii.I will have some picts later of us playing this.This is a great family game system.We are all having a blast with it.I woke up this morning to,now remember Hubby is ex-Navy,oil field worker,to him hollerin' in the living room "Take that **tch!"I go and see who he is talking to.He is playing Wii! So funny!
J. looks quite happy with the boat.
J looks happy with the boat
Lucky girl! I want a boat like that... (I am doing my best Verunka Salt impression) HOW FUN!
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