Today is our anniversary.This is a picture of me and Hubby 18 years ago ,right before we got married.Notice I had not yet been to Aqua Net rehab.Though I have to say,the do is a little subdued in this picture.Of course Hubby's beautiful mullet or as The Boy affectionately refers to it as "his neck cape"is missing. No it is not hibernating in some cave because it is winter.The Navy removed it.Hubby joined the Navy when he was 17.Although he will occasionally grow it back on his face,he says the winters are cold in China and he needs it as insulation!We are 20 &21 in this picture,sigh...sometimes it seems like just yesterday.
We are one of those couples who make people sick 'cause we still act like we are just married.We are best friends.The only advice I ever give anyone,not that anyone really ever ask ,but I give it anyway,is marry someone you can be best friends with.We say we are growing old together,and boy is it the truth!You would never recognize us from this picture today!Well ,except for Hubby's red hair,which he sill has a full head of .That's what it is all about really,someone to grow old with.And believe me when I tell you it has been an adventure!
I had to go through AquaNet rehab, too! Hehehe!
Happy anniversary
thought of you and J on the fourth
I remember when the picture was taken.
Happy Anniversary to you both.
very happy for you both
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