Our town has an interesting history.The original court house burned.They blamed it on some Indians.Was it them,who knows. People blamed lots of stuff on Indians.The town folks decided to move to a little higher ground to rebuild.I have heard some of these buildings are not the original old buildings of the town,they are still old though.Some were moved in from surrounding communities.One was a post office from another town. Believe it or not we have another area called Old Town.The original jail is still there and a few buildings.The jail has a historical marker and is rumored to be haunted.I don't have a picture,I will get one later.It is a museum,we've been several times.
It is like taking a step back in time.The shops are all decorated for Christmas.We have a town lighting,it was last Saturday,when all the town turn on their Christmas lights together.
This building just got a new paint.
We also have a Christmas on the square.These little shops are across from our court house.The town is set on a square around the Court House.
Venders set up booths and our town more than doubles in size!Our population is only 691 ! It will be in 2 weeks.
We will be working a grill selling kabobs and taking pictures with Santa for our scout troop.We have a terrific Santa and Mrs.Clause.Our Santa has a real beard.I will hopefully take some good pictures of the day.
This is the Methodist church,lovely old building.It is the oldest continuously active Methodist church in Texas!
This is our Baptist church.The building is obviously not as old as the Methodist,but the church itself probably is.It was organized in 1848.The last building was destroyed by fire in 1950 and this one was built the same year.
Both churches have historical markers,as does the Court House.Our little unpopulated county has 24 historical markers.Of course,unless you are way cool history buffs like us, this is not that interesting! Like I have mentioned before, we will drive far,far out of our way to read one.In fact Hubby will come to a screeching halt from 70 mph to turn around if we miss one!I told you ,way cool!
I will try and take more pictures away from the farm.We live in a beautiful area in a historic,quaint Texas town.Pictures really don't do it justice.We have had gorgeous Fall color this year,something we don't always get.I never think to take my camera to get photos when we leave the house,I will try and do better!
Well,you've seen our town.I guess it is as close to Mayberry as you can get in these modern times!
looks like a darling town, lots of character.
My two oldest bucks, which aren't very old, were not raised here but came from Kids Corral, raised by their Mama's, not on a bottle, but all 5 of our boys are very tame and like to be petted. I like Kids Corral because they don't rip the newborn babies from their Mama's, I think that is so sad, but all KC's goats are very gentle. Most of the goat breeders take the newborns directly from their Mothers, leaving the Mothers crying out for their babies, and raise the babies on the large bottle feeders, they don't even bother to hand bottle feed 'em.
Your town looks lovely.
I have to admit that while we were touring around in the fifthwheel most of the Texas we saw was butt ugly. No offense.
It was a looooong drive across the state and Houston had the WORST traffic we had EVER seen and that includes anything the East coast or LA had to offer.
We didn't get to see the Hill Country which we were told is quite nice.
No offense taken,I don't like Texas much,way too hot! Hill country is OK,but East Texas is really beautiful.I know about that long drive across,we used to drive in from California when Hubby was in the Navy.I hate having to go into Houston,I have lived in many big cities and Houston is by far the worst!
Oh dear yes Houston. Pricilla I dislike Houston VERY much! I agree worst traffic I have ever been in! DH is from Houston...
However as Melodie has said East Texas is one of the prettiest if not the prettiest parts of Texas... if you had seen it you would have said, "are we still in Texas" LOL
I have not been to the Hill Country but I hear its really pretty :O)...
Melodie Mayberry is good!! I will take Mayberry!
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