People have used salt as a preservative for ever.I have been meaning to try it for a long time and finally did this weekend.The Boy helped chop all the veggies.It was very easy.Just chop the veggies in a food processor and add salt.It makes a big batch.If it keeps as good as it is supposed to I will make it a staple,only I will make the next batch smaller.After I have tested it myself and am sure it is OK,it might make a good gift in the future.
It is very pretty.How handy will it be to use in a quick soup or pot of beans or casserole.Most gardeners grow most of,if not all, the veggies for this in their home gardens.How great would it be to know you grew every ingredient,well,except for the salt.
Hmmm, that's interesting. I'll be curious to hear how it holds up.
I wonder if it will sour like sauerkraut?
I will give an update after some time goes by.
Farmgirl Cyn,
No,I don't think it is supposed to do that.The salt just keeps it like it is.
I'll have to go to the link and check it out, looks like a great idea.
I am sooooo curious to know how this works out for you! I can eat everything in this! Food allergies ya know... anyway I can eat this and how neat this is!!
Do let us know if this stays good! I would so put up some of this if it works :O)...
I am deteremined this next gardening season is my year to learn to can! I used to can with my grandma, wish I had paid more attention...
I dehydrate food too, still in the learning process on that one but so far everything I have dehydrated has stayed good!
Keep us posted on this :O)
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