This was super easy!Just soak the mushrooms in cold water for 10 minutes to remove the mean dirt.Then slice if you want.I was using the small jelly jars so I sliced mine.Boil for 5 minutes.This shrinks them down and gets them good and hot for the canning process.Put them in jars and can ,11 lbs for 45 minutes.
When I say canned,I mean pressure canned,not hot water bath.All low acid foods MUST be pressure canned,there is no getting around it.Well, unless your tryin' to kill some one,but please don't do that!Murder by canning,there's one I haven't seen on those crime shows yet.It's just a matter of time,there are so many of those shows,they've about run out of interesting ways to do folks in!
If you have never caned and are a little afraid of the pressure caner,I was, you shouldn't be.The new ones have safety release valves if for some reason,like you leave the house and go to the mall,it will blow to keep it from exploding.Not like the old pressure cookers.I don't know of many people who still use them,but most people my age and older remember them.They were like the old microwave,a faster way to cook food.I don't use a microwave,Hubby has labeled me crazy for this!I can still hear the steamy sh-sh-sh of the the thing in my memories.If it clogged or a mischievous red haired little boy,AKA Hubby, held down the little sh-sh-sh thingy on top it would blow.It happened at our house once too,but it was because it clogged.It was full of pinto beans,which we had at every meal.One big pot a week reheated every meal ,getting thick and more delicious with each passing day.You could see each individual bean print on our ceiling over our stove!
That's it!Easy Peasey !Oh ! I forgot to tell you how good this smelled! Just the 5 minute boiling set my kitchen to smelling delicious. If you love mushrooms your mouth will be watering!All I could thing about was mushroom soup or sauteed mushrooms and steak....This has really got me wanting to try to grow my own mushrooms.Anyone ever done one of those mushroom logs?
Murder by canning!! LOL
And I love mushrooms, too. Mmmmm....
I used to live in fear of my pressure canner but it and I have made peace.
I don't like mushrooms but the male person does. Last year they were on sale for next to nothing so I bought like 12 packages of them and put them in my dehydrator. They dried beautifully and I used the last of them just a bit ago.
Oh,I love dehydrated veggies,they are so good in soups and stews.My dehydrator gave out this summer,I miss it!
ok this is a first for me, canned mushrooms I have not seen someone do that even my grandma who raised me never canned mushrooms and she was like your church lady :O)...good to know the new pressure canners are safer, I might consider one down the road... I am with you I have been afraid to use one...
I will say it again, why I didn't pay more attention and write things down!!! there would be a do over different LOL..
and yes Pinto beans and a pan of fried potatoes pretty much made the table at every single meal we ate!! Loved digging the potatoes when I was a kid :O) I thought that was the best deal ever... you worked like a dog doing that which as a kid was pretty fun and then you got to go to the creek and play in the water for a little while :O)...seemed like a fair trade off to me :O)...
We simply did not buy canned stuff at the store.. once a week we went to town 45 minutes away... got flour, salt pork and pkg of ground sausage, a bucket of get the idea...we bought very little at the grocery store... I was told each week I could pick out some candy in my hand that is what I could have, I always would pick it out and put it in my Grandpa's hand because well he had much bigger hands LOL... My Grandparents raised brooders... three big houses, thousands of chickens ...
I am much more comfortable with my food dehydrator than canning, though I still have a lot to learn about the dehydrator as well... but this next year is the year that changes the canning...I want to be comfortable with both!
You and Pricilla are way ahead of where I am.. I am blown away at what you guys are doing :O) steps :O) I am right behind you guys, okay not right behind but I am dragging up the rear for sure :O)...
My goal is to be like your family and buy very little.I have to say I am more than a little frustrated at how slow going it has been to get self sufficient!Trying to garden down here is killing me! Like you said baby steps! I feel like I really know so little about what we are doing,but I know it is the right road.It helps to have the support of my farm sistas in blog land!I remember digging those taters too!
Here is the best canning site I know and she has books you can order too. It's Ask Jackie
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