These are some pictures from about 3 years ago.They are at the Barrington Living HistoryFarm at Washington on the Brazos,the birthplace of Texas.
There are several museums at this location and trail with markers.This was a wonderful place!The reenactors we some of the best,full of info and a desire to help people understand everything about what it was like all those years ago.I am not going to write you a history lesson ,just show you some picts of a really neat place.
This is The Boy learning about a shave horse.He got to make his own handle to keep.
This is a Piney Woods cow,or maybe a bull I can't remember and can't see its special areas! Any way, there are only a handful of these cattle left.They are trying to get the breed going again here.
This was the main house.How they lived in Texas without air conditioning is beyond me!
See this white "sack" hanging from the rafter.That is a pig bladder.Apparently they saved these and at Christmas stuck them in the fire and it popped like an old timey fire cracker!
This is their chicken coop and yard.The Boy got to throw out some scratch.
A building just like this was the outside kitchen.They had a big pot of greens cooking.
The Boy even got to try his hand at some spinning! First he had to comb the wool !
He actually had a knack for it!
These are the hogs they raised.They weren't stinky at all!
This is the river,muddy like most rivers down here.
This was a wonderful place! If you are ever down the South Texas way it is a great place to spend the day.We are not amusement park kind of folks.When we plan a trip it is centered around museums,history and scientific things ! Like I said before we are way cool!
Who got to blow up the pig's bladders?
Very interesting. It's good that there are passionate people to keep those kind of places alive.
We would have loved to but they save them for Christmas or New years Eve ! If we get some pigs,we may try it one day!
Yep! Way cool folks like us wouldn't have anywhere to go for vacations if they didn't!Seriously though,we all need to remember the past.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment!
I could stand the heat but I could NOT stand the clothes! How many layers did they wear??
That pig bladder/exploder sounds kind of funny. But gross too. I love the olden days for some things. But not for others...
Very neat, I would enjoy a trip to this place!! I am with you not sure how one could live in Texas without AC, maybe it wasn't as hot back then?
I also agree what is it with the rivers and lakes in Texas ... muddy yukky.. being from Arkansas which at least when I was a kid had some of the clearest lakes in the US... it was a real shock to come here and see Texas Lakes, I just thought ewww dirty!
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