I tried to get just my bed in the picture because I am woefully behind on my house work.So if you can make out the over loaded nightstands and funky carpet please ignore them.Also this room has not been touched since we moved in,it needs a lot of work, like every thing else around here and is on the infamous list,so that is why I have not put up curtains.I used to be a stickler for a perfectly clean house.In my old age and growing wisdom,I have learned it is not so high on my list of important things any more.Don't get me wrong,the board of health won't close me down,but Martha Stewart probably won't be calling me up for a visit either!
Anyway,back to the quilt.The top was made by Hubby's Grandma before we were married.She made this while Hubby was in the Navy in the Persian Gulf during the first Gulf War.It Is hand sewn with wrapped seams.She stayed glued to CNN and sewed until he was back in the states.Grandma's passion was making quilt tops.She made many in her time on this earth.She is gone now.I loved that old woman. She didn't quilt them though.She gave the top to me to quilt.It took me 10 years! I didn't start it until I was pregnant with The Boy.I didn't get it finished before he was born and put it away for 10 years .Finally I finished it.
I did it by hand and will not win any awards, sewing is not my strong point.Hubby lived with Grandma when we met, when I was 16.Grandma was sometimes a hard woman for a lot of people to get along with.She was a red head.Hubby got that hair from her.I met her when she was older and possibly more mellow and no longer a red head.I got along fine with her.That does not mean she did not occasionally push my buttons!She was the first person to encourage me in crafts.She started me off with quilting,I love quilts,but have no talent for it.She led me to crochet which led mt to knitting which is definitely my thing.Grandma always spoke her mind,whether she was right or not,and you always new where you stood with her.I liked that.I think of her often,fondly.
Yes, that is a gun on my night stand.Like any good hillbilly woman I know how to use it!Without remorse I might add.Come on,this is Texas after all!
Great post :O).. I am with you it is Texas and yep gotta have a gun on the nightstand LOL...
Love the quilt and the story behind it.. I am with you I love old things they just have so much charm...
I think that house cleaning wisdom does for sure come with age :O)... just seems that is so much further down the list than it used to be, and where I don't think DH and I are in any danger of coming down with some awful illness due to a overly dirty house LOL ... I too doubt Martha will be calling ROFL ROFL...
and yep a king zize bed is so wasted on us :O)... we sleep on one side only LOL... a friend once said to me "well some of us don't like to sleep like a pile of puppies" ROFL ROFL.. I said well some of us do LOL...
The quilt is beautiful...and a classic!
Our house in NJ was over 100 years old so I understand the erm, fixing up thing. NOw I just want a house. ANY house. heh heh
A lovely tribute, better on the nightstand than under the pillow so everyone know where you stand too, lol, peace for all
You are a girl after my own heart farm sista for sure!
Thanks !!!We don't really have any crime to speak of here,but me and The Boy are alone a lot..
The first time I met Mike's Grandmother, Floy, she took one look at me and said, "do you actually pay someone to fix your hair like that?"
I thought she was a hoot because in her old age, she no longer edited between her thoughts and what she said. Everybody was always on their toes around Floy, because you never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. I bantered back and forth with her and she ate it up.
Hmm..you have a point!
Floy sounds like someone I would have liked!I tell The Boy all the time that is how I am going to be when I get old!He says he is going to keep me locked in a basement!
Beautiful. I aspire to such quilting greatness. Seriously, I think I have no patience for it but someday I keep telling my self.
Side note: I think I'd have to use that gun if I had to sleep in a small bed with my husband. LOL.
Girl, you are too funny!!!
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