Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ho Hum

Well, like most everywhere else it is cold and unpleasant here. That doesn't leave a whole lot to blog about!!!! I think just about everyone is housebound and anxious for spring! Is it just me or does this winter seem long.I am usually a winter person,of course our winters here in South Texas make some of my more northern friends snort and chuckle! I did find a surprise this morning.Can you guess what it is?

Here's another look!

OK,if you haven't guessed,here's a better view!

I usually keep up with these things by writing  everything down on my farm calender but this time I forgot! These little bunnies have been here for awhile! Sorry, these are not pets! They too have a destiny of feeding our family! This is a homestead don't forget! We have made a point,especially with The Boy, not to get attached to the rabbits.Which,by the way, is not so easy! After all they are cute and fluffy! We solved this problem by letting The Boy have a little pet rabbit in the house,his name is Stanley. I would like to sing the praises of rabbits as an easy to raise food source.They take minimal space and make tons of fertilizer,always a plus on a farm! All the jokes are true about rabbits,they are prolific!!!!You will have to dress them out yourself,so if you absolutely don't have the stomach to do that then they wouldn't be a good choice for you.It is always hard at first to kill and dress out your animals and it should be! If it is easy for someone I think..well...something may not be quiet right with them! It does get a little easier over time but I don't think we ever put out of our minds the gift each animal gives us .We do take comfort in the fact our animals are raised humanely,fresh air ,sunshine and chemical free! We know we are doing things right!
 So there you have it,even slow dreary days can bring a surprise!


brokenteepee said...

I had my first rabbit this year. Bartered some goat's milk. It was rather tasty...

John Going Gently said...

lovely photos

Texan said...

Rabbits, you have Rabbits!! I would love some rabbits... I understand there are some Rabbits people raise for the fiber and yarn is made from it... mmmm there is a thought... Maybe I could do like Pricilla and barter the Fiber for something we could use! Then the Rabbits would be contributing to our lively hood! And as you say good fertilizer :O)...

Melodie said...


Yes I find them tasty too!

Thanks for stopping by!


I have looked into the fiber rabbits some,I so want some kind of fiber animal,but what I found so far was they don't do well in high heat so I don't know if they would work for us in Texas.I need to do more research! To me they are worth the fertilizer alone!They are some pooping machines!

Julia said...

My kids loved looking at your buns. We told them they were for meat and did not get any negative reaction either!! :)

Ruth Trowbridge said...

I have never seen tiny bunnies before, awesome to see. When I was a teenager I had a 15 pound angora rabbit trained to go in the litter box and live like a cat in the house. She chewed a couple of electric wires until she learned not to. But the end came when she would deliberately hop up on my sister's bed and leave her little brown presents. My sister was mean to her and the rabbit let her know how she felt about it. I was going to raise them for meat but someone told me that their meat is so low in protein that it wasn't worth it. I add that to the kill factor and I shy away. I admire you for being able to do the deed. Peace