Now I am going to talk a little about hillbilly ingenuity! You may have noticed how a lot of hillbilly people have a lot of junk piles around and you probably had thoughts about laziness.You are wrong! It is not laziness,no sir! Now, some of us may not have been blessed with a lot of talents or skills,but we have Hillbilly Ingenuity! These junk piles are not just trash we are too lazy to haul off. It is recycling,green living I tell you! Say something breaks ,why spend the extra money to buy new parts or hire a repairman.? A good hillbilly will just go to one of his junk piles and start pondering and after awhile he'll be rootin' around and pulling stuff out. Before you know it he's fixed whatever needed fixen'! Now, will it look professional,probably not.It will most likely look lopsided and strange.But you know will work! See, we hillbillies have been recycling and living green long before it was fashionable!
I have been blessed with these wonderful skills! This has caused Hubby both relief and grief! He is glad I have the ability to keep things together until he gets home but when he sees what I have done,well a head scratch and a few cuss words are involved as he starts to take it apart for a redo to make it look "right"!
I am going to show you my latest use of my talent. You all know we are having reverse global warning,freaky cold here that we are not prepared for. Our well just sits out in the open in the back yard. This has been OK for 50 years,until last night. So, I need to think of something fast.I go in Hubby's barn and start pondering,hillbilly super power turned on high.I see four pieces of that insulation that is in sheets like plywood.It has had all the edges eaten off by mice and most folks would have thrown it away which would have been a mistake.That and a little tape and wah-lah , an insulated well house!
Is is strange looking? Yes. Is is lopsided and ugly? Yes!
Does it work? Yes !!!! We have water this morning! So, this morning as I have running water,I thank the Good Lord for blessing me with Hillbilly Ingenuity,even if I had to use spell check to know how to spell ingenuity !!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Stay warm.....LindaMay
Great post! Duck tape forever! I wish I had your way with words!
Linda May and IanH,
Great big ole' Thank You!!!
Hey, whatever works!
That doesn't look like duct tape. If not then I am afraid you are not quite a hillbilly yet. We only use duct tape for "need right now" projects.
Sadly, I was out of duct tape as I had used the last of it to repair one of the goat houses!!! That is some packing tape on the new well house!
you don't hear me laughing, I know all about "making do." Only the stupid hillbillies would have frozen water.
Yep,there is A LOT to be said for good old fashioned horse sense!
Good for you! By the way how is poor little Sweet Pea?
SweetPea is doing very well,still staying in my bathroom until the cold snap passes!
I love this post! You did a great job! We used the same type foam stuff to close off some of the goat barn!! It looks like heck but it worked..
Sadly our townhome, sitting empty... anyway ...its farther north bout a hour and 15 minutes north from where we live now...did not fair as well it didn't get any hillbiily ingenuity and we just got a call 20 minutes ago...the whole downstairs is flooded! DH is headed there now, no doubt frozen burst pipes are involved ;O( ... uggggggg
I am so glad your water is in good shape!
I think I may make it a point to keep a couple of sheets of that stuff around all the time!
That is terrible about your town home,what a mess.It is so cold for your DH to have to deal with water!
You are a genius woman!!!
I must admit to putting horse blankets on our well to keep it from freezing. ;)
LOVE your intro with the animal orchestra. Beauty to my ears.
Awesome post, you are my kind of woman!! Peace for all
Brilliant! Seriously.
Ruralrose and Carolyn,
Well,I never thought about being a genious...but hey,I'll take it!
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