When you have a clay type soil like we do it only holds so much water then the rest just sits on top! I love when it rains and thunders at night,good sleeping weather! I also like it when it stops before me and The Boy have to go out to do morning chores! 2 inches was a little much but that always seems to be the way here in Texas,the land of extremes!
In the summer this area has lush tall grass,now it looks like a creepy swamp!
This clay soil also likes to form new soles on your shoes, thick gummy layers.The longer you walk in it the thicker the bottom of your shoes become! Before long it feels like you are wearing lead weights! The rubber boots do OK , you are doomed if you wear regular shoes!
The rain brought back more seasonal weather,it will freeze the next couple of nights.I am sad to see the 60's and 70's leave but summer is a loooong season here so I will try to be thankful for the cold! The draw back to our week of spring like weather is it gets me all worked up to do spring things here on the farm,then the cold comes back and I feel a little antsy.I got a lot of stuff planned...garden,painting...endless painting,brush clearing....well you all know what I mean!
The chickens are really starting to pick up on their egg laying,I got 8 yesterday! I hope the cold weather doesn't slow them down! We have mostly Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers and mixes of the two.The Orpingtons are rumored to lay right through the winter.They did last year but we have a gap of sorts in our hens,old girls and young girls.The old girls have slowed down and the new girls are just now starting up.
Here is Murry getting his supper! Look at that fat tummy!
Just because I like the Heavenly Bamboo here is another picture of it! That bright red makes me smile every time I look at it!
I am with you, that warm spurt just had me all fired up and now we are like drown rats waiting on another freeze... but soon this will end we are hitting Feb...
I have painting to do as well, Kitchen, master bathroom and living room are on the books for paint this year :O)...
Ewwww that little Murry is to cute and that little fat tummy... he is obviously eating well!! The only time I tried bottle feeding a kid it was a disaster..twin girls...they screamed and cried and wouldn't eat, till I cried...It was pathetic there we all were crying in my living room...
yes it does look wet around there. Hugs for Murray!
Texas and Oklahoma have really gotten pounded! Hope it gets back to normal for you soon.
Murry is so cute. Our mud will suck the shoes right off of you too. I hate mud season...
murry is too cute. i love that round belly. stay dry!!!
We've got temps in the low teens with wind chills around zero...but spring is right around the corner....right?
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