The one you can't see is Sun Gold Select,which I have raised with success in the past but I have not tried it here.It would come up ever year from the tomatoes that fell on the ground the season before!
I don't expect all these will do well but since this is a new area for me I am trying a large variety and hope to save the seeds from the best ones.
I grew Yellow Pear last year and it did really well,lovely little salad tomato.One or two plants of these are enough to give us plenty and plenty to share! Most of my tomato seeds have sprouted! We are having the 70's here all week! Now,don't get jealous, this is just as freaky as the teens we were having earlier.Winter is not over for us yet!
Here are the peppers.I want to try and dry my own paprika! In fact ,I am going to try and grow as many herbs for my spice cabinet as I can this year. The price of one jar of organic spice is way more than a pack of seeds! The Pimentos are great in pickled veggies.Plus, they go in the yellow squash pickles I make every summer! I would show you a picture of their tasty,sunshine in a jar selves,but I ate them all!
These are some garden berries I am going to try also.If I only get one or two varieties to grow it is well worth the price of the seed.Well,the papaya is probably not considered a berry! If it grows it will have to be brought in in the winter as we do get mild freezes here every winter.
Now for some grown plants.I am a bargain hunting kind of gal !I love the discount plant rack at Lowe's and Home Depot! I got these Heavenly Bamboo for $ 2 in the fall.
Look at this color! I love anything that gives me color in the blah of winter!
These are the miniature variety so they won't reach the roof top! I have seen a lot of these around town, so they do well here.I have only seen a couple that have gotten as red as mine though! I hope they will turn this well every year.
Goatie update.As you can see in yesterdays post Murry is doing well.Sweet Pea is doing well although he has a small spot that did not close good from her stitches so she is still not with the rest of the goaties until I think she is healed all the way.She is still unhappy about this even though she is right next to all the other goaties!Farm life,it's always an adventure!
Your little goats are so precious. I want a goat but can't have one here because of the pecan trees. Plus, I have more on my plate now that I can take care of.
I'm so far behind on getting any garden ready. I just learned yesterday I need to get potato cuts in the ground in the next few weeks...yikes! Ready or not, here comes that time of year!
I am going to comb thru your seeds pics closer later on today! I am curious to see which ones you picked.
I ordered several you have I did see that... but saw some I didn't get... so I need Pimento peppers to make the squash pickles? Okay putting that on my list of must plant!I think we will love the squash pickles! I got one pepper seed that looked like a Pimento but I am pretty sure it wasn't actually a Pimento will check...Anything else I will need to plant for those squash pickles?
Scrubbing down the greenhouse today after the chickens lived in it LOL... besides it was starting to get that greenish haze on it. It was a due a good scrubbing! 67 today!
I din't have that type of bamboo but the greeb stuff where we used to live, the goats just loved the leaves, we had a huge patch so we feed it to 'em all the time.
You've really got the seeds ready to go. Good luck
Seed season is fun for my hubby. I just process the stuff - he is the gardener...
I am glad that Sweet Pea is doing well.
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