Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Murry Is a Very Sick Goatie

Last night Murry seemed a little off. This morning he was very weak.We rushed him to the vets and he has a bad upper respiratory infection. We have no idea why this happen but our vet said they can come on very quickly.He has always been very healthy.She gave him antibiotics and glucose and said if he hasn't taken to his bottle by this afternoon to bring him back as she  will want to keep him over night.She also told us to make his formula with pedia-lite. As you all know , raising him since he was born, we are very attached to him ...so if you believe in prayer for animals..well.it would be appreciated.


small farm girl said...

We'll pray for Murry! Hope he gets better.

sunset pines farm said...

OH my goodness! I already visited you today and just happened to notice that you had posted in the last hour.
Here is to a very speedy recovery for Murry and peace of mind for his humans! It sounds like you did the right thing at the the right time-and that he is in good hands.
And yes, I believe in prayer for animals(in case you ever doubted it:))
GET WELL BABY MURRY!!!On the double!!! Treats await!

IsobelleGoLightly said...

Many goat kisses to you and Murry! We all love Mr. Furry Pants!

Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

I started to ask yesterday, the laying in the lap on the couch photo, I wondered about his eyes, but then thought maybe it was the camera making his eyes look like that. I should have said something. I thought his eyes looked irritated or watery or something was going on. Sending get well prayers, Murry is loved worldwide.

Linda Foley said...

Hope Murry gets better very soon! Pneumonia in a baby goat is no fun. My little bottle baby Nubian got it shortly after we got her. She is doing great now - so that shows hope!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no....teddy and i will send all good energy out to murry...get better fast murry. we don't want you to be even a little bit sick!!!

brokenteepee said...

Oh no!
I hope he's better. How sad for you all.
Goat hugs!!!!!