I thought I would show you all some new pictures of my Christmas presents! Even though Susie is still tiny she has visibly gotten bigger in the few weeks she has been here. She should be, she eats non stop it seems!
When we first brought her and Charlie home they weren't very playful like we have come to expect baby goats to be. Heck, ours start to try to Goatie-goat dance when they are just hours old! But you can see that has changed now! That is Bonnie and Clyde,the dirty donkeys,watching Susie's antics!A good worming and good quality feed and all the alfalfa and horse hay they can eat plus fresh greens from the garden...oh and some probiotics have got them up to where we like them to be,high on the Happy Goat scale!
Right now little Susie is in her own pen with Minnie who is actually her half sister. Susie is too small to be in with the other goats with out a momma to protect her. We have a few who would try to pound her into the ground and she is just too small to take a pounding! Minnie is one of the gentlest goats we have and she has no horns so she was a good choice to be Susie's friend.
Charlie has been moved to the buck pens. He decided he needed to start trying out his buckly business on Susie so he had to go over to the bachelor side of the farm! Goats can actually successfully mate at a very young age and that would have been a bad thing for Susie.
Charlie is so lovely! I can just imaging how striking he will look when he is grown!
I hope all his kids have that wonderful wool! Charlie is not impressed with the buck pens. Mr.Tumnus ignores him and Charlie is a pineing for the ladies already! Several of the girls have not been bred yet and are in season regularly so the boys stay stirred up and spend their days staring and snorting and putting on their buckly perfume..whew! Of course, Charlie is just beginning all that but Mr.T is an old pro at wooing the ladies!
On to the senile farm woman part of this post. Am I the only one who will put eggs in the pocket of her coat then forget about them only to rediscover them smashed several days later????
Sadly, this is not the first time I have done this...or the second.....not that anyone is counting or that I could actually remember the number of times since I can't even remember I put the egg in there in the first place! At least this time it was just one egg.
Hope you all have a save and Happy New Year! I am off to scrape the egg out of my coat....