Yes ,yes I know it has been awhile since I have been in blog land ! I guess when you are a truly hermity person,like me, it sometimes even extends to blog land too! I have no other excuse for being away...I have just been over come by hermityness! My father-in-law has made a complaint that I haven't blogged so I decided I better get back with the program!
I had a wonderful visit with Texan! I tell you all, our visit was like we had know each other our whole lives! She made me feel so comfortable and at home, which is hard to do because I have that whole hermity thing and I have a lot of trouble feeling comfortable even around folks I have know for a while! Let me tell you all,we talked and talked and had one good time after another! We fabric shopped and she showed me how to machine quilt and shared all kinds of pointers on sewing .We checked out her pressure caner, that had no book, and made sure it was ready to go and there were a few comical moments but thankfully no explosive ones! We did some good old fashioned plant swapping and she sent me home loaded up with goodies she canned this summer which,by the way,I have polished off a few jars of already! I can't wait for us to visit again! Oh, and her home is like stepping into a magazine and she did so much of it herself! That girl has some talent for sure! I know you all are thinking where are the pictures..well......didn't even think about it! Just having too much fun I guess!
Now,on to the Goatie Goat Inn! The Boys worked on it while I was gone and here it is...
Not quiet finished but almost! I know you "up north" folks are probably a little shocked at it being all open and all but you have to remember where we are, Southeast Texas! We have maybe January and February of cold and the rest of the year is baking hot sooo...we will add some tin or ply board in those months and the rest of the year it will be much more comfortable for them like it is now.
Butter Bean and Mr.Tumnus have already been sleeping in here.Butter Bean is telling Nibbles to stay out of his new room!
SweetPea says she would like to have this one next to her love, Butter Bean. Yes, Butter Bean is now in love with Sweet Pea...he has abandoned Doodah,whom he used to be obsessed over! Goatie lives....more twist than a soap opera! Doodah could care less by the way, that relationship was rather one sided ! Maybe I should make up my own goatie show...Days of our Goaties...As the Goatie World Turns...hmmm what do you think?
The turkeys would like to move out of the turkey down coop that they live in and live here! Don't worry turkeys,your coop is next on the list!
Hopefully I will be able to have some discipline and keep up with my post for awhile....if I don't I know Papaw will let me know!
That is so cute....the boys did an excellent job! Huggies to the goaties!
So adorable! The boys did an awesome job....and SweetPea is just adorable!
Wow he did an excellent job! I'm sure the goats are thrilled.
So very glad you had fun visiting the Texan. Kindred spirits are hard to find!
The Goatie Goat Inn is fabulous! The shot of Sweet Pea in her goatie room is adorable. Good job guys.
So glad you are back.
I am a hermit too!...but I do make myself get out. Finally, I've started walking again. Taking it slow and will build up to a longer route.
Happy evening to you and yours.
WOW!! Very nice indeed!! and such good work...I totally admire a well built outbuilding. I envy it and so do my goats! ;)
The Goatie Goat Inn is perfect for your climate, the boys did good! Sure wish you had taken photo's with The Texan.
That is one super sturdy goat inn! I don't imagine they will eat that too soon, LOL! The guys did a great job!
Glad you had so much fun with Texan!
I stopped in and visited the Texan. What a lovely blog. Looks like she has a big place. Her friendly personality come through in her writing.
Thanks for sharing her!
I'm a hermit too, and too much stretching out of my comfort zone tires me out to no end.Glad you had such a great time, and are back to blogging. :) Goat Inn looks great, and yes I was one of those northern people whose first thought was what about the winter?
Wow how nice. Lucky woman you. Have a great night. Rebekah
Good for Papaw! We all wondered where you were. That goatie goat inn looks lovely, but yes my goats would feel like they were still outside. I never realized how small your goats were until having the boards to judge height! Wow! They are short compared to the full-sized ones.
ohhhh I love the Goaty Inn!!!! Those individual stalls will be soooo nice to have!! Great job boys!! Going to have to call honeyman in here to see this!! Very nice!!
Girly I too had the BEST time, we did pretty good for a couple hermits didn't we! I am sure we will have many more great visits as well! Thank you for visiting!
Welcome back! And what a great Goaty Inn! I think they did a fantastic job. :)
Well, I'm glad Pawpaw gave you a nudge! I sure missed you. :)
Glad you had fun and the goat inn was completed. Maybe you can call it Peyton Place! ;)
Oh Melodie that is spectacular !
silly turkeys ☺
I thought of you with my bloggy award but thought well I best give another goaty gal a turn ☺
I was dreaming of TX today as well when the weather turned to cold rain . I need that hot sun for my ecsema ☺
we go look at yet another place this saturady ! here's hoping ☺
lots of love
Howdy Gal! I am glad for an update. When Texan put her update up on your get together I was looking for yours. I am glad to hear it all. I really think we should plan some blog weekend for all us like minded gals to get together. I am so glad you have such good blogging friends. the goat barn in awesome.
Good to hear from you. Keep it up.
I love it! And glad to see you blogging again!
Is the Goatie Goat Inn inside a fenced pen? It's a wonerful place!
Oooo, the Goatie Goat Inn is very nice! Good job guys!
Kelly, yes it is in a fenced area,got to keep our goaties safe!
I heart Sweatpea! What a cutie! What a great home for the goats! They look so pleased with themselves in their new digs. :D
I love the new goat house, and they seem too as well! That is really neat! I understand about it being open, where you live the hot baking sun is probably a bigger problem with sheds than cold weather is.
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