Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Springtime Gifts

Hubby decided to get me my spring time gifts, you know all the springish holidays, like Valentines day, Easter, my birthday, Presidents Day..all rolled into one. He bundles. I am very much OK with this because he always get me great present and they often have 4 legs. Here are my spring time presents, Quigley and Maggie! They are Angora goats!

 Lovely fiber girls! They are beautiful don't you all think?
 It was a long drive in horrible wind to go and get them, but it was worth it. Our herd of ornery mischief makers accepted them right in without so much as a head-butt..which was surprising to say the least! Me and the Boy were on standby to break up any fights and rush the new girls back to the holding pen..but all was calm. It kind of left us standing there scratching our heads. Wonders never cease, as the old folks would say.
In other farm news, the hillbilly green house of the last few years has been made more permanent thanks to The Boy. The tomato plants, that I started from seed back in January, are growing nicely and are ready for warmer spring days.
 Oscar Peterson is making himself comfortable on top of my strawberry plants! He is such a sweet little kitty, I can't be mad at him. Hubby, on the other hand, has had a few choice words to say to Mr. Peterson about the big rat that lives quiet peacefully and unmauled by cats, in his shop.
The Doodle-ettes are growing fast! They have left the nursery pen and are in with the herd. Sometime this next week, I think they will become wethers!
Spring is here. My tulip magnolia tree is blooming for the first time since I planted it.
I will be glad when it is big and fills my back yard with beautiful flowers. I have 2 smaller ones, no blooms so far on those.  W e are supposed to have a light freeze in the next few nights. We'll see. The weather man has been off a lot lately, but then again, ole Mother nature likes to tease us around this time of year.  Just in case, we moved all the potted citrus trees into the green house. The Meyer lemons are blooming and it smells heavenly in there. I am hoping to go see some weaving and spinning at the Houston rodeo, if I do then maybe I will have some good pictures for another post soon!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm Back

Here I am! Back with a post! I know, I know, it has been awhile. What can I say, life gets busy. I have started back to school and  sitting at the computed half the day doing school makes me flee to the outdoors as soon as I done, never wanting to come back! Then today Hubby realized I had not done a post since last year and started fussing at me, saying he tells all kind of folks about our farm  and my blog and bah, blah, blah. He is just now realizing the last post was in August so HE is really not keeping up either,lol! 

I guess the best way to get back into things is with baby goat pictures! I mean really, that's why you all visit here right?  Doodle had her Doodle-ettes, a fine pair of bucklings. I was really hoping for one doe to keep since Doodle is such a good milker. I am kicking myself for selling her daughter last year. If this picture looks like they are running at me full speed that is because they are! They are attack goaties!
They are running to jump all over me, chew my clothes off and eat my hair till I am bald! 
This one is Junior. Doodle Junior to be exact, because he looks so much like his momma when she came here as a tiny baby.
 This one is Peanut. No reason except I think Peanut is a good name for a Doodle baby. Her son last year was named Peanut also. Next year, if she has another light colored boy, his name will be Peanut too!
The Doodle boys are sweet and will make excellent pets for someone this spring.

The very next week after The Doodle-ettes arrived, Nibbles and Purl kidded at the exact same time!  Purl, one of my pygoras, was a first time kidder and having a slow labor. Nibbles is an old pro and went in to labor and kidded fast! I was running back and forth between them helping them both. Nibbles had 2 little bucks, a black one and a white one. Purl had one little girl, but sadly, would not care for her. The kid was weak and after giving Purl ample chance to take over, but not willing to risk the weak little doe's life, I took her over and set her in front of Nibbles. Nibbles took her right away! Nibbles loves kids, sometimes she tries to"adopt" kids that are not hers when she doesn't have one. So here are the Nibblets soon after birth. They are 2 weeks old now, but when I went out and tried to get new picts I was swarmed by kids,lol, and could not get a good shot. Every time I tried to squat down for a picture I was instantly covered with kids trying to jump on top of me, gnaw of my clothes and chew my hair! Most of the shots looked like this..

 I am telling you all, that should be on everyone's bucket list! To have the experience of being covered in baby goats that are just loving and chewing on you! I would think it could be a treatment for depression because no one could be covered in baby goats and not laugh out loud! So any how, here is the rest of the gang..

This is J.J....which is short for Junior Junior! I know, crazy! He looks like Doodle's son we named Junior so he is, well, Junior Junior. Hey, remember we are the folks who have had goats with the wonderful names like Tube-Sock and Popsicle, so Junior Junior is not all that weird.

 This is Pete and oh, oh, oh he is the sweetest thing you every snuggled! He is just plain white but he has Nibbles' face and ears and is just lives to be loved on.
This is May Belle. She the pygora. She is a diva and would holler at the top of her little voice if Nibbles get 2 inches away from her for the first week. Now, she has gotten a little more adventurous and bounces around with her brothers more. She is beautiful. I can't wait to see her all grown up!

May Belle will stay on the farm to add to my fiber addiction! The boys will all be wethers and go out as pets. Wethers make the best pets you know.